Note: links don't really work. is weird.

Here at Dram Co, we care deeply about the environment. That is why we continue to sell oil! The trees want CO2, and we are happy to provide it. We are also incredibly happy to make billions of dollars.

Now, the thing is, we need people like you to help us make money. Everyone that worked at SeaBear left due to "working conditions" and "fair pay" (buzzwords that don't really matter*), but that doesn't matter, because we where already replacing them with robots. However, due to big government, our oil rigs need a dedicated operator. That is where you come in.

Quick guide for those that are lost (leave a comment on why you got lost, I am new to game development and would like feedback):

  1. Type "help" to get the list of commands
  2. Read your messages
  3. Huh. There is something wrong with the system: some oil is spilling. Maybe try turning it on and off again?

*The line "buzzwords that don't really matter" is from Mann Co, a video by Tipsy Duck.

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